
  • Ashley provides 1:1 counseling sessions to individuals who fit within the populations listed above. These 50 minute sessions are often filled with feelings check ins, processing, and skill acquisition through talk therapy. If a client is seeking EMDR or Brainspotting, sessions will be structured on a case by case basis, together.

    They currently offer couples counseling.

    Ashley is currently accepting new clients.

    What we can do together:

    — Process past and present experiences, cycles, relationships

    — Establish future goals that align with who you want to be

    — Skill acquisition for self soothing and increasing emotional availability

    — Make room to honor and process Grief and Loss

    — Incorporate Spirituality into your self exploration and care process

    — Explore what Euphoria and Joy looks like in Gender, Sexuality and Intimacy

    — Work on boundaries, communication and interpersonal patterns

    — Build an awareness of your somatic experiences and how they serve you

    — Look at how Mental Wellness is impacted by systems of oppression

    — Safety planning when met with suicidal ideation and self-injurous behavior through an Abolitionist (Anti-police), Trauma Informed, Harm Reduction approach

  • Ashley is available to facilitate workshops on various topics. They have facilitated original workshops on Radical Vulnerability, Radical Journaling, Exploring the Erotic during COVID19, Fat Liberation, Grief during the holidays, and Collaging as a processing activity. They are open to creating new content when requested if they feel the topic is within their scope of knowledge.

    Workshops with Ashley are informative, inclusive, interactive and always end with resources and activities for participants to have outside of the shared space.

  • Ashley is available to consult for businesses that seek Anti-Oppressive, Inclusive, Trauma Informed services from a Disability Justice lens. Ashley’s services range from providing content for educational purposes, helping a business reassess their employee or consumer engagement, and more.

    They help facilitate introspective, interactive, and informative content that will help move a business towards more intentional practices.

It is important to recognize that the majority of therapeutic modalities in Western Counseling Psychology are shaped by history. Meaning, they are often credited to White clinicians when this knowledge comes from stolen, appropriated and re-defined ancestral knowledge from BIPOC communities (I.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs being “adapted” from Blackfoot knowledge).

Due to this, Ashley prioritizes modalities that feel familiar to them and natural to the relationship they build with clients. 

Ashley prefers to create a space for casual, transparent conversation utilizing talk therapy, along with the modalities listed below and more.

Therapeutic Approaches

  • Humanistic.

    Looking at the person as a whole. What has contributed to making you who you are today?

  • Person-Centered.

    You are the expert of your own experience. What can we do together for you to actively change your life?

  • Feminist.

    Looking at your intersecting identities and putting them into cultural context(s). How do systems of oppression challenge your internal and external well being?

  • Trauma Informed.

    The impact of trauma can be so complex, you don’t always realize you have experienced trauma. How do we bring light to the things you’ve kept in the dark?

  • Ecological Systems Framework.

    Assessing how the social settings and relationships you are in impact you. Do the relationships in your life help or hinder you?

  • Narrative Therapy.

    There is power in telling your stories. How can you reclaim your experiences using the ancestral tool of story telling?

  • Somatics.

    Every experience is accompanied by a physical experience. How do you build enough awareness to release and soothe the physical symptoms that come with difficult experiences?

  • Please note:

    These modalities are accompanied by Ashley’s training, lived experiences, resource collecting, frequent personal education, harm reduction and more.


  • Most services are being provided via Zoom at the moment. All Therapy sessions are Telehealth at the moment. Ashley is available for In Person Facilitation and Consulting on a case to case basis. 

  • All facilitation by Ashley is accompanied by a presentation transcript and slides, which are provided before the event so that participants can follow along. 

  • Ashley does not currently have access to an ASL Interpreter but would like to prioritize that being utilized in spaces moving forward, as well as closed captioning.

  • Individual Sessions: Contact Ashley for availability at the Two private practices they currently are working for

  • Workshops & Consulting: Contact Ashley for rates dependent on the contact’s needs, desired length of presentations and more.

